Symbiosis, def : various degrees of close relationship between organisms of different
species, in which at least one organism benefits.
Some time earlier this year, I had gone with a friend to one of mumbai's nondescript restaurants for a quick lunch. We ordered and sat down to wait when I noticed a mouse climbing one of the tables. A huge fuss was made.Words like 'Hygiene' , 'cleanliness' , 'food inspector' , 'legal action', 'shame on you' , 'sorry' , 'reimbursement' were exchanged loudly.
Cut to Chhattisgarh , lunch with a colleague in one of the fanciest restaurants of the place..a mouse casually climbed onto the empty table next to ours and sat there majestically, flashing his moustache at us. I half willingly looked around for the waiter, who smiled sleepily back. I just broke a small piece of food from my plate and gave it to the mouse, no quetions asked.
In this place where a lunch..any lunch at all, is sometimes doubtful, one just learns to exist in harmony with brothers of other species.